New homepage after fatal crash...
In the case of any curious visitor checking for blog posts, I will write a first one.
I will only inform readers that I had a major crash on all my domains and webpages and now after one week of troubles and moaning and working many long nights it seems I am up and running digitally again. Some of the layout needs some tweeks but for now this will have to do.
Happy as I am for that, any follower from earlier platforms or newcomers with certain interests may not find what You are looking for simply because I haven't had a chance to put everything back up again. But I am getting there bit by bit.
Swedish readers will also notice that today all my content is in English. Before the crash I had much translated in double tongues. Now, trying to get all pages up as soon as possible I will only concentrate in English, hoping my Swedish readers will follow too. And You probably will.
Best art wishes! /ÅMH